We Need Your Support

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited ('HML') is committed to sustainability but we cannot do it all on our own. We rely on organisers’ and participants’ co-operation and support. Everyone has a role to play in making events sustainable. Click here to view the HKCEC Waste Management Guide for Organisers and Exhibitors.

Tips for Organisers

  • Ask HML's Event Manager to explain services available at the HKCEC, including the LoveGreen Meeting Package.
  • Use reusable, recycled or recyclable materials for stand constructions, signage, decorations and stages. Implement regulations or incentive schemes to encourage modest exhibition stands with height limits and energy efficient electric fixtures.
  • Set up green stations to collect recyclables, including paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, as well as food waste.  Appoint ambassadors to assist exhibitors, visitors and contractors.
  • Choose sustainable and low carbon menu ingredients. Order according to attendance.
  • Donate unconsumed food, furniture, equipment, exhibit samples and other materials to the needy.
  • Replace paper distribution by electronic means of communications.
  • Switch off non-essential lights and air conditioning.
  • To support the event organisers to plan and deliver a more environmentally friendly event, Environmental Protection Department ("EPD") and Business Environment Council ("BEC") jointly launched a Green Event Guidebook ("the Guide") which aims to assist event organisers and other related stakeholders in formulating a comprehensive waste management system when organising events. Click here to view the Guide.

Tips for Exhibitors, Event Participants and Visitors

  • Use less and if possible reusable materials for stand constructions, signage and stages. Build stands with limited height and energy efficient electric fixtures.
  • Reduce unnecessary packaging for souvenirs, gifts and goods.
  • Separate wastes, including paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, wood as well as food waste and put in appropriate recycling bins.
  • Donate unconsumed food, furniture, equipment, exhibit samples and other materials to the needy.
  • Use electronic means to replace paper for communications.
  • Switch off non-essential lights.
  • Use public transport.
  • Bring own multi use bottles, food containers and bags.
  • Say ‘no’ to excessive packing, plastic straws and other wasteful items.