Sustainability Commitment

Commitment to Sustainability and Governance

As the professional management company serving Asia's premier venue for exhibitions, conventions, meetings, banquets and other events, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited ('HML') is responsible for providing day-to-day management for the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (‘HKCEC’), including administration, marketing, business, development, booking, scheduling, event co-ordination, building maintenance, security, and food and beverage operations.

Environmental, Social and Governance

HML is committed to responsible corporate citizenship for the protection of the environment and the betterment of society, along with achieving business excellence. We are committed to:

  • being fully compliant with all relevant laws, regulations and other requirements;
  • delivering superb customer care;
  • fostering a green, health, safe and kind workplace;
  • executing sustainable procurement concepts;
  • continuously improving our environmental performance and social responsibility performance
  • encouraging event organisers and planners, business partners, suppliers and contractors to deliver goods and services in a sustainable manner;
  • educating stakeholders about sustainability;
  • embracing a risk-aware culture; and
  • maintaining high standards of ethics and integrity.

Download HML’s Environmental, Social and Governance Policy

Event Sustainability

In observation of our organisation's Values, covering Leadership, Integrity, Safety and Security, Technology Enhancement, Sustainable Development, Communication, Continuous Improvement, and Creativity, HML aims to improve our event sustainability management system and sustainability performance continuously through:

  • protecting the environment;
  • supporting community sustainability initiatives;
  • maintaining full compliance;
  • delivering service excellence;
  • integrating sustainable concept;
  • caring for staff;
  • collaborating with event organisers and planners, business partners, suppliers and contractors;
  • upkeeping with technology advancements and community feedback; and
  • communicating with stakeholders.
ISO 20121 logo

Download HML's Event Sustainability Policy

HML reached a significant milestone in its sustainability efforts in November 2015 by becoming the first organisation in Hong Kong to receive the 3-year recognition for ISO 20121 Event Sustainability Management System certificate. In 2024, ISO 20121 evolved in its latest version and published ISO 20121:2024. HML is committed to inspiring leadership in event sustainability management with reference to the latest international standard ISO 20121:2024 and has successfully achieved recertification in 2024.

Climate Change Policy

HML is committed to playing a full part in addressing climate change through its day-to-day management of HKCEC. In 2021, HML signed the ‘Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge’ by which we committed ourselves to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. To this end, we are:

  • formulating and implementing long-term plans and reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions;
  • adopting industry best practices;
  • exploring the use of cleaner or renewable energy in operations where practicable;
  • continuously encouraging with event organisers and planners, business partners, suppliers and contractors to explore ways of improving their own efficiencies in energy, water and resources management;
  • incorporating climate risks into our enterprise risk management and assessing the associated risks and opportunities; and
  • educating stakeholders about climate change.

Download HML's Climate Change Policy

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Green Initiatives

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Caring for Community

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We Need Your Support